Covid -19 begin in Egypt in March 2020 by a German visitor who was infected by Covid-19. Now the total confirmed cases are 286.352, recovered 237056, and death 16691. From the number of cases, we

can see that Egypt can control the situation of Covid-19, and the chart below will show how are the cases are decreasing, which means the situation is getting better.

Covid -19 begin in Egypt in March 2020 by a German visitor who was infected by Covid-19. Now the total confirmed cases are 286.352, recovered 237056, and death 16691. From the number of cases, we can see that Egypt can control the situation of Covid-19, and the chart below will show how are the cases are decreasing, which means the situation is better covid -19 vaccine.
Covid -19 begin in Egypt in March 2020 by a German visitor who was infected by Covid-19. Now the total confirmed cases are 286.352, recovered 237056, and death 16691. From the number of cases, we can see that Egypt can control the situation of Covid-19, and the chart below will show how are the cases are decreasing, which means the situation is better covid -19 vaccine.
The UK Government added Egypt to the red list in June, because of rising cases of covid-19, and only British and Irish nationals or those with residency can now enter the UK from Egypt.
What do you must do if you want to travel back to the UK? You must follow the rules 10 days before you travel back to the UK also if you have been fully vaccinated. You must make the covid test in 3 days before you travel, and book a quarantined hotel.
Finally, we see that the cases of covid-19 in Egypt are decreasing in August that means that the state can control the situation plus the vaccine rollout.