We all need to be able to speak directions because they are one of the most important things that we need to learn in the event that we are planning on flying somewhere. Like an Egyptian, it is time to teach you the directions in the Egyptian way, because the directions in Egyptian Arabic are the same as the directions in any other language. However, the word straight will be a word that you should memorize, and we will be adding locations to today's articles as well, so it is time to get started.
Yemeen is right.
Shemal is left.
AlaToul and Tawale are getting straight.
For example, let's imagine you are having a conversation with a taxi driver about taking you from one location to another. In this scenario, you will use the term "take" to allow you to state "Khoud" or "lef" in a single sentence.
Take the map that is provided below as an illustration. Now, I need you to deliver the directions to the taxi drivers so that they may get to the hospital. Please provide your response in the comments section below.

Let's say we are discussing locations in Egyptian Arabic. What would that mean?
On: Ala
Listed below: In addition to that, Ganb is behind
Behind: Wara.
In the vicinity of: Hawaleen
Moreover, the video that may be found below can demonstrate the correct pronunciation.
In addition, if we are currently discussing the cardinal directions, it is important to take note of the following:
The north: Shamal
Shara'a is the east
The west: Gharb
The south: Ganoub
In Egypt, we typically do not utilize the cardinal conditions unless we are discussing the Nile River. In this case, we typically say that we are located east of the Nile River (Shara'a alneel) or west of the Nile River (Gharb alneel).